George Flint


George Rocco Flint is a cognitive sciences major in the Class of 2026 at UC Berkeley.

His areas of interest lay primarily in information theory and theoretical cognitive science, primarily investigated through computational linguistics.  

He conducts research primarily in computational linguistics [see publications]. At the lab of Evelina Fedorenko, he has led and assisted with studies ranging from lesioned brains to linguistic relativity in LLMs.

He is also currently a machine learning engineer at the Launchpad machine learning club.

At Berkeley, he created and instructed the Linguistics 198 course on linguistic relativity. [see syllabus].

He is also currently working on several projects in semantic search.

Recent Works


an AI chatbot customized to BU student life

An AI chatbot trained on university documentation that provides relevant, personalized answers to complex, unique questions about BU student life.


an AI chatbot customized to Berkeley student life

An AI chatbot trained on university documentation that provides relevant, personalized answers to complex, unique questions about Berkeley student life.